Persistent Pain

About the Persistent Pain Service

Persistent Pain – A Patient Journey Video

Support & Guidance

Pain Management Programme Link
Medication Link
Injections Link
Psychological Wellbeing Link
Understanding Exercise & Activity Link
Sleep & Pain Link
Pacing Your Exercise & Activity Link
Fibromyalgia Link
Hypermobility & Ehlers Danlos Link

Further Persistent Pain Support

23 and 1/2 Hours
23 and ½ hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

Action on Pain
Action on Pain is a charity providing support and advice for people affected by chronic pain.  

Action on Pain – TENS
For information on buying a TENS unit

Back pain – separating fact from fiction
This video explores myths associated with back pain.

Brain-man Animation – chronic pain
A short illustrated film about how our mind and body interact and experience chronic pain. 

Brighton Fibromyalgia Group
Fibro Flys is the Brighton & Hove Support Group which runs regular coffee meet ups.  For more information, please email for further information

British Pain Society

But you don’t look sick
An article to help you think about how you can explain the impact of chronic pain on your energy levels and general functioning 

Chronic Pain – A patient journey

FDN – Neuro Symptoms
Here you will find information about Functional Neurological Disorder.

Fibromyalgia Action UK

Flippin Pain

For Endometriosis
This charity provides information and support on many aspects of endometriosis, from causes to treatment. There is also a telephone helpline run by trained volunteers.

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
This website contains information on IBS diagnosis and management which might serve as a useful, quick-reference guide to the condition.

For Vulval Pain
The Vulval Pain Society provides information and support for women suffering from vulval pain.  It is a confidential service for women who suffer from vulval pain.  It also has details of support groups which operate in London and other areas of the UK.

Health Talk Online
Information about what it’s like to live with a health condition.

Horsham Fibromyalgia Group
The Horsham Fibromyalgia support group runs regularly you are very welcome to pop along to meet new friends and hopefully learn from one another.  For more information please email:

Live Life To The Full
An online Self-Management Programme.

Live Well with Pain
The Live Well with Pain site offers a whole range of resources for patients around self-management

Live well with Pain Footsteps Festival

Living with Chronic Pain
Information about effective pain management strategies – includes an introduction to formal relaxation and why this is such a beneficial pain management strategy. 

MOP leaflet (SMSKP)

NHS Fibromyalgia
The NHS websites provides an easy read factsheet on the condition

Versus Arthritis – Fibromyalgia

NRS – Fibromyalgia guide
Everything you need to know about living well with fibromyalgia 

Opioids Aware
This site offers a range of patient resources of being Opioid Aware

Over the Counter Medicines Factsheet
This factsheet provides  information on the use of over the counter medication to manage pain

Pain and Me
This video talks about persistent pain, acceptance and committment.

Pain Chats
Advice and resources for people experiencing pain with contributors from around the world. 

Pain Concern
Pain Concern is a charity working to support and inform people with pain and those who care for them

Pain Concern – Airing Pain podcast

Pelvic Pain Support Network
Support, Information and Advocacy for those with Pelvic Pain

Persistent Pain Service booklet (SMSKP)

Psych Assessment leaflet (SMSKP)

An interactive programme to help you look at your pain and how it affects you. 

Recovery Guide
Here you will find a Pain Guidebook to download to help with understanding and self-management strategies.

Retrain Pain
A free online course for people with persistent pain

Seans Story – dangers of over-prescribing opioids
This is a film from NHS England highlighting a personal story of prescribing

Somerset Community Pain Management Service
On the Somerset Pain Website you will find different resources aimed to empower people with persistent pain to develop understanding, skills and confidence to live a full and meaningful life.

Struggling to be me with chronic pain
Struggling to be me with chronic pain: a personal insight into managing chronic pain 

Tame the Beast
This website aims to help in your understanding of pain and how to reduce it.

The Living Well Programme
The Living Well Programme is a free self-management course developed for people living with any long-term health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic pain etc.  The course runs over six weekly sessions, each session lasting 2 and a half hours including a break. Each course is facilitated by fully trained (but not medically qualified) volunteer tutors who themselves are living with a long-term health condition.

The Pain Toolkit
The Pain Toolkit provides resources regarding managing long-term pain

Understanding and Managing Long-Term Pain
The British Pain Society document encompasses the latest evidence, guidance and expert opinion.  It has been produced to help patients understand and manage their pain. It explains what pain is, what can be done about it and who can help. You can request a free hard copy by contacting the secretariat on 0207 269 7840 or

Understanding pain in 5 minutes
A video to help you in your understanding of persistent pain.

Understanding Pain: Brainman stops his Opioids
A clip to watch about why to stop opiates

What is Chronic Pain?
This video discusses chronic pain and helps in your understanding of it.

Why things hurt TED Talk
This is a useful talk from an international pain specialist on how our body and mind combine to experience pain and how this can help us understand our own pain.