Your Appointment

These pages are designed to answer the most common questions about your appointment, and help you understand what to expect.

Face to Face Appointments

Watch this video with British Sign Language (BSL)

Frequently Asked Questions/What to Expect

Who Will I Be Seeing?

You will be seeing a fully qualified clinician (we have both Male and Female members within our service). You will be given your clinicians name when booking. If you have any preferences please let us know and we will accommodate you.

What Will Happen In My Face to Face Appointment?

You and your clinician will discuss your history and symptoms. Your clinician will then assess you (as part of this they may need to touch relevant areas of your body).

On some occasions it may be necessary to undress to your underwear so you can be examined (you may like to wear shorts and a t-shirt under your outer clothes).

You will then discuss treatment options (including the risks and benefits) and decide together what treatment is right for you. You will also receive information to help manage your condition.

Can I Say No To A Form Of Examination Or Treatment?

Yes, it is your choice to consent. You are always free to say no, or to ask for more information before you make up your mind.

How Long will my Appointment be?

Most first appointments are 30 minutes long. Spine and Physiotherapy/Osteopathy first appointments are 45 minutes, Pain are 60 minutes.
MSK follow-ups are 15 minutes. Physiotherapy/Osteopathy, Podiatry, and Pain follow-ups are 30 minutes.

Will My Appointment Be On Time?

Our appointments normally run on time. On rare occasions your appointment may be a few minutes late due to unforeseen complications.
Please be on time for your appointment otherwise there may not be enough time to see/speak to you.

There is no one single answer to why we sometimes run late, but we’ve outlined a few of the more common reasons for clinicians and clinics to fall behind.

How Do I Change/Cancel My Appointment?

If you need to change or cancel your appointment please either call or email us with as much notice as possible. Which number or email address you should use will depend on your area, please see our Contact Us page for all contact details.

Can I still Be seen if I have a disability or have special requirements?

Yes. Help can be provided for anyone with special needs e.g. wheelchair use, deafness, visual disability, non-English speaking etc. Please contact us before your first appointment if you think you may require additional help.

Can I Get Hospital Transport?

Transportation can only be provided on grounds of medical need and you will need to arrange this yourself for your appointments. Click here for more information about hospital transport options in your area.

What will happen after my appointment?

This will depend on whether you are seeing an Assessment & Rehabilitation Therapist (Physiotherapist/Osteopath) or an Advanced Practitioner. The What is Musculoskeletal page explains what may happen after your appointment/with your ongoing treatment.

For some of our clinics we will write an outcome letter.  This letter will be addressed to you as the patient and we will routinely send a copy to the GP and any other organisations involved in your care.  Your clinician will talk to you to ensure you are happy for your clinic letter to be shared in this way.

If you choose to share sensitive information with us, we will talk to you about how this is worded in your letter.  It is really important to us that you are happy with this letter.  If you have some feedback for us or any questions, please get in touch.

How long will I wait for an appointment?

Our Wait Times page provides up to date waiting times for across our service as well as services we refer to.

Where Will I Be Seen?

We have a number of clinic locations across Brighton, Mid-Sussex, Crawley, Horsham, and East Grinstead. Follow the links below for Maps, Parking Information, Disability Access, and Public Transport information.
We will always try to book you at the location closest to you.

Preparing for my Appointment

It is important to think about what matters to you and what you want from your treatment. This will help you and your clinician to choose a treatment that’s best for you.

For example:
If you have young children, not having time off your feet may be more important to you.
If you travel/move a lot, a treatment that can be performed anywhere may be better suited to your lifestyle.

During your appointment, AQuA (the Advanced Quality Alliance) recommends 3 questions to ask when discussing treatment choices:

1) What are my options?
2) What are the pros & cons of each option for me?
3) How do I get support to help me make a decision that is right for me?

It can be helpful to have these in mind going into your appointment.

Private Imaging

If you have had private imaging relevant to your MSK condition within the last 2 years, please be advised that it is your responsibility to contact the private provider to obtain the imaging ahead of your appointment. It is preferable that this is on a hard copy (CD) so we can get the images uploaded to our system.

If you have had imaging relevant to your MSK condition within the last 2 years under the NHS, please contact our team so that we can try and ensure this imaging is available prior to your appointment.